
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Lee Priest 2011

my most favorite Bodybuilder of all times Lee Priest..............most recent pics taken on 1/7/2011...............

Jens Schneider

German light-middleweight Jens Schneider 42 years old massive builder

Thursday, February 24, 2011


sorry for late posting,,,i think quality is falling down...hope for good


German Bodybuilder Ronny rockel 238 massive

Monday, February 14, 2011


sorry for late posting,i was busy in new classes,just thinking about shifting to london from here,,i will reguler start posting on 18 febaury coz i think i ll get my pocket pc on 17th..sorry for late posting again....
keep visiting me

Saturday, February 5, 2011

ossi 2

sorry for late posting,,,,,,,,,,still didnt get internet connection ...........try to post regulerly